Importance method of control and security on the internet and other networks is the use of Firewall computer and software. A network firewall can be a communication process, typically a router, our dedicated server, along with firewall software. Firewall serves as a gatekeeper system that protect a Campinas intranet and other computer network from intrusion by providing a filter and safe transfer point for access to and from the internet and other network. It screen all network transfer for proper password or other security code and only allow authorized transmission in and out of the network. Firewall software has also became and essential computer system component for individuals connecting to the internet with DSL or cable modems because of their vulnerable, “ always on” connection status.
Firewalls can deter, but not completely private, unauthorized access(hacking) into computer networks. In some cases, a firewall may allow access only from trusted location on the internet to particular computer inside the firewall, or may allow only “safe” information to pass. For examples, a firewall may permit users to read a e-mail from a remote locations but not run certain programs. In other cases, it is impossible to distinguish the safe use of particular network service from unsafe use, so all requested must be blocked. The firewall may then provide substitutes for some networks service (such as e-mail or file transfer) that perform most of the same function but are not a vulnerable to penetration.
How public key/private key encryption works
1) With a encryption software, you create a “key” with two parts one public, one private. You distribute a file containing the public part of the key to those you want to communicate with. Only u can use private key.
2) You write an email message, then use the recipient’s public key to encrypt it.
3) The encryption process puts a kind of digital lock on the message.
4) When the message arrives, the software use the private key to verify that the recipients public key was used for encryption.
5) Using the private key, the software unlocks the unique encryption scheme, decoding the message.