Decision In Information System

Structure Decision
Situations where the procedures to follow when a decision is to be made can be specified in advance e.g. inventory re-order decision.Decision made at the operational management level tends to be more structured.

Semi Structure Decision
Situations where only part of problem has clear-out answer provided by accepted procedure. E.g. Credit management. Such decisions are required at Tactical level

Un Structure Decision
Situations where the procedures to follow when a decision is to be made cannot be specified in advance Decision maker must provide judgment , evaluation, and insight to solve problems. E.g. Decision to launch a new product. Such decisions are required at strategic level

Level in Organization to be supported by Information System
Strategic Management
Typically, a board of directors and executives committee of the CEO and top executive develop overall organization goals, strategies, policies and objectives as a part of the system in real time. 
System used at this level : Executive Support Systems

Tactical Management
Increasingly business professional in a self directed terms as well as business unit managers develop short and medium range plan schedule and budget and specific the policies, the procedures and business objectives for their sub units of the company.
System used at this level : Decision Support Systems, MIS      

Operational Management
The member of self-directed terms or operating manager develop short range plan such as weekly production schedule.
System used at this level : Transaction Processing Systems