Listening = Hearing + Comprehending + Interpreting + Responding
Purpose of Listening
Content Listening - Understand & retain information given by speaker
Critical Listening - Absorb the message & attempts to analyze the evidence or ideas & make critical judgment.
Appreciative Listening - Understand speaker’s feelings, needs, wants, tone & mood.
Stages of the Listening Process
1) Sensing
2) Recognizing
3) Integrating
4) Interpreting
5) Evaluating
6) Remembering
7) Responding
Barriers to Active Listening
1) Lack of rapport between speaker & audience
2) Inadequate physical condition
3) Non-conducive factors
4) Inappropriate language
5) Inappropriate articulation
6) Lack of perspective
Overcoming Listening Barriers
1) Definite purpose for listening
2) Prior background of the topic
3) Pay attention
4) Take notes effectively
5) Keep away prejudice & personal opinions
6) Be emotionally stable
Guidelines for improving Listening skills
1) Think about the topic in advance
2) Determine the personal value of the topic
3) Keep an open mind by asking by asking questions that clarify understanding
4) Be flexible in your views
5) Evaluate the content not speaker
6) Distinguish important point from the unimportant