Use Of Information System In An Organization

All modern Organization have certain characteristics. They are bureaucracies with clear-cut division of labour and speculation. Organization arrange specialist in a hearty of authority which everyone is accountable to someone and authority is limited to specific action garnered by abstract rules or procedure.

Routines and business process
All organization, including business firm, because very efficient overtime because individual in the firm develop routine for producing goods and service. routing sometime called standard operating procedure are precise rules procedures, and practice that have been develop to cop with virtually all expected situation.

Organizational police
People in organization occupy different positions with different specialties, concern and perspectives. As result, they naturally have divergent viewpoints about how resources, rewards, and punishments should be distributed. These differences matter to both managers and employees, and they result in political struggle for resources, competition, and conflict within every organization.

Organization culture
All organization have bedrock, unassailable , unquestioned, assumptions that define  their goal and products. Organization culture encompasses this set of assumptions about what  products the organization should produce, how it should produce them, where ,and for whom.

Organization environment
The organization reside in environment from which they drew resource and to which they supply goods and service. Organization and environment have reciprocal. On the one hand, organization open to, and the dependent, social and psychical environment that surround them. 

Organization structure
Organization all have structure or shape. The kind of information system you find in business firm and the nature of problem with these systems  often reflect the type of organization structure.           

Other Organization features
Organization have goals and use different means to archive them some Organization have coercive goals other have utilitarian goals. Still other have normative goals