Just In Time

According to Schonberg Just In Time is Produce and deliver finished goods just in time to be sold, sub-assemblies just in time to be assembled into finished goods, and purchased materials just in time to be transformed into fabricated parts

1.   It means producing what & when it is needed
2.   Anything over the minimum amount is viewed as a waste
3.   JIT is applied in repetitive manufacturing
4.  The goal is to drive all inventory levels to zero, thus minimizing inventory investment and shortening lead times
5.   JIT exposes problems otherwise hidden be excess inventories and staff

1.   Heightened awareness of problems and causes in the organization
2.   Generation of new ideas for improvement
3.   Lot-size reduction
4.   JIT production
5.   Better quality control
6.   Higher productivity
7.   Less wastage
8.   Less inventory in the system

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