
It includes all the activities involved in selling goods or services to those who buy for resale or business use

How do wholesalers differ from retailers
1)   Pay less attention to promotion, atmosphere and location
2)   Their transactions are usually larger than retail transactions
3)   Government regulations are different for wholesalers and retailers

1)   Merchant Wholesalers ( own business that takes title of products they handle)
2)   Full service wholesalers ( Carry stock, have sales force, offer credit, make deliveries etc)
3)   Limited service wholesalers
4) Brokers( works on commission of selling price) and agents ( represents seller on a more permanent basis)
5)   Manufacturer’s and retailers branches and offices

1)   Selling and promoting
2)   Buying and assortment building
3)   Bulk breaking
4)   Warehousing
5)   Transportation
6)   Financing
7)   Risk bearing
8)   Market information
9)    Management Service and counseling

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