Selection - A Part of Recruitment Process

Selection has been regarded as the most important function of HRD. It ensure the organization that means .It has right number, right kind of people at the right place and at the right time

Selection is the process of picking up more competent and suitable employees

Process of Selection
The Main process of selecting employees are as following
Application Blank
1)   Application black is filled by candidates
2) Applicants gives relevant personal data such as his Qualifications, specialization, experience, firms in which he has worked etc.
3)   These are checked by company with reference to specifications prescribed for the jobs to decide applicants who are to be called for interview.

Initial Interview
1)   Applicants selected in application blank are called for interview.
2) It provides rough ideas concerning the person’s fit with the job & organization or not

Employment Tests
Tests that are used in this are
1)   Aptitude test
2)   Interest test
3)   Intelligence test
4)   Performance test
5)   Personality test

Checking References
If the candidate is found satisfactory at interview & if performance is good at tests than employer will get the important personal details about candidate such as character, past history, background etc.

Physical & Medical Examination
Objectives of this examination are
1)   To check physical fitness of applicant for the job applied for
2)   To protect company against the unwarranted claims for compensation under certain legislative enactments, such as workmen’s compensation act,
3)   To prevent communicable diseases entering the business concern

Final Interview
This interview is conducted for those who are ultimately selected for employment. In this interview candidates are given an idea about their future prospects within the organization.

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