Employee Socialization

Employee socialization is the process by which new employees understand the company's policies and the internal culture, how the company hierarchy works and the ways to function effectively in the organization.

Assumptions of Employee Socialization
1)   Socialization strongly influences employee performance & organizational stability.
2)   New member suffer from anxiety.
3)   Individual adjust to new situation remarkably similar way

Socialization Process
There are 3 Stages in Socialization Process that is
1)   Pre-arrival stage
2)   Encounter stage(Entry stage)
3)   Metamorphosis stage(change stage)

Pre-arrival Stage
This socialization process stage recognizes that individual arrives in an organization with a set of organizational values, attitude & expectation.

Pre-arrival sources for Socialization are
1)   Educational & training
2)   Recruitment process
3)   Selection process

Encounter stage(Entry Stage)
1)   It refers the entry of new employee in the organizations.
2)   If the expectations match the reality, socialization may not be needed.
3)   If the expectation do not match the reality, socialization will be needed. New learning will be needed.
4)   If the employee become disillusioned with the reality, they resign the job.

Outcomes pf Socialization
1)   Productivity (High Productivity)
2)   Commitment (High Commitment)
3)   Turnover (less propensity to leave the organization)
4)     Employees pursue a career.

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